Alien Cases

 This page contains many of the most significant cases in UFO history. Opinions or theories drawn about these cases are the product of the individual author or organization. These files come from a variety of sources, and all source information was kept intact, therefore any and all copyrights are honored. This page is frequently updated so please come again , are free to distribute with a link back to the Alien Case book.

Multimedia can be a picture, film footage, or other media. A Yes in this category means that a witness affirmed that a picture or film was taken, not necessarily that it is available now.

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GEP - Dennis Kirstein

Dennis Kirstein




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Erst Kontakt

Erst Kontakt

Spirit Gate


The Starpeople

The Starpeople

Volker Hochmuth

Volker Hochmuth



1897-The Aurora, Texas UFO Crash

Occurring during the "Great Airship" wave of the late 1800s, the legend of a UFO crash and a dead alien have survived over a century of debate. Allegedly, the dead alien pilot is buried in the local cemetery. The story of the crash was related by local newspapers, the UPI, and AP. The city received "historical site" status because of the incident.

1947-The Kenneth Arnold Sighting

While searching for a missing troop transport near Yakima, Washington, pilot Kenneth Arnold got the surprise of his life. He spotted nine discs flying in formation. After he landed, a news conference was held in which Arnold called the unknowns flying saucers, the first time the phrase was used.

1948-The Chiles / Whitted UFO Encounter

Captain Clarence S. Chiles, and co-pilot John B. Whitted were piloting an Eastern Airlines DC-3, when their plane was approached by huge cigar-shaped UFO. The object barely missed colliding with the DC-3. The two men made one of the very first reports of a UFO by commercial airline pilots.

Hangar 1: The UFO Files

Founded in 1969, The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) is the most respected organisation dedicated to investigating and classifying all UFO activity. It now consists of field offices in 42 countries, with over 800 local investigators and more than 30,000 case files. For the first time, all of its files have been assembled in an abandoned location in Ohio, called Hangar 1.

MUFON is giving H2 complete access to Hangar 1, its case files, as well as every piece of physical evidence they have collected. By looking at patterns in the notes, the files shed new light on proven topics: Presidential cover-ups, blackouts and other disasters, and rogue technology. 


Now Youll Know That Aliens Exist – WeAr Not Alone!

Aliens beam me up

Aliens – The Basic Things You Need To Know

Alien Beings and UFOs exist.

The leaders of every nation on the planet know they are real.

Why your friends and family will want to know about Aliens and UFOs.

You pulled up this website because you either know this or strongly suspect it's true. We're going to reward you for your curiosity. You're going to learn the ins and outs of alien beings and UFOs You will also learn how to explain them to others in a way that makes sense. You're also going to get some facts to back up your statements. When humanity realizes the fact that Aliens are real, there will be a real scramble with people seeking answers and information. Last, but not least, you are going to have a real good time!

How To Use This Website

If you really want to learn about Aliens, UFOs and flying saucers, first bookmark this webpage. Then come back often and read as much as you can. You'll know more than 99 percent of the people on the entire planet about flying saucers and alien beings. You will also know more about the true abilities of human beings than the world's best scientists.

How Our Website is Organized has twelve major sections, each with its own Navigation button. Each section is divided into several chapters. Each chapter is complete by itself. Some chapters are longer than others, because some topics are larger or more important than others. Almost every chapter will direct you to where you can get additional information about the topic. Our website is thoroughly cross-referenced and offers easy access to related items of information. Some of the things on our website are repeated. When you see this, I didn't goof; It's simply something that is so important, it is related to more than one topic.

The combined topic of Aliens and their spacecraft(UFOs/Flying Saucers)is huge. It is going to affect every aspect of humanity. To cover everything in its entirety would take a hundred websites. This is the one to start with.

You can also click on the ‘Author’ button to learn a little about my background and how I came to know about the existence of Aliens and UFOs.


Public Opinion

You are not alone. A CNN poll taken in 1997 showed 72 percent of the American public believes the U.S. government knows more about aliens and UFOs than they are telling us. A 2002 Roper poll showed that 74% of the public confirmed that they are at least somewhat psychologically prepared for any official government announcement regarding the discovery of intelligent extraterrestrial life.

You are going to have a lot of company and support as you begin to pursue this fascinating adventure. As you will learn, leaders world-wide are waging a losing battle to keep this information secret and hidden from the public. This issue is much larger than you ever imagined. You may be surprised when you discover how much other countries know about alien beings and flying saucers. The dam of secrecy has a huge crack in it and there is going to be a major flood soon. Consider this website to be your emergency kit.

Fun or Fear: The Choice is Yours

For your friends and family, you can make the alien reality fun, exciting, and informative. Help them prepare for this information now. If your family is anything like mine, they may panic if they are not prepared. Then the information would be sudden, shocking, and fearful. So dig in and get the facts.

Ignorance Is No Longer an Option

As usual, the public is the last to know. Not only do world political leaders already know about aliens, but, so do leaders in every field, including science, education, industry, the media, even sports. So stop asking, 'If aliens are real, how come the media doesn't know?' You're making the assumption that they don't know. Well, many of them do know! No, not your everyday, local, 5:00 p.m. newscaster. They're too low on the food chain. I mean key people at the top. You will discover more about this as you click through my web pages.

Public ignorance of the existence of alien beings and UFOs is no longer an option!

 The term "flying saucer" was made popular by a journalist covering Kenneth Arnolds's sighting of nine flying disks in June of 1947. The journalist misquoted Arnold, who did not describe the objects as saucer shaped, but describes their strange movement as similar to a saucer thrown on water and bouncing several times: they "flew like a saucer would if you skipped it across the water."

But a Texan farmer, John Martin, used the term "saucer" 69 years earlier to describe the flying object he saw on a hunting expedition in the surroundings of Denison, Texas, on January 2, 1878. In this case also, "saucer" does not refer to the shape, but to the size of the observed object, as its shape was described as that of a balloon. John Martin saw the dark object high in the Southern sky. He first noticed it to be about the size of an orange, that grew in size as it got closer to him. After he had to rest his eyes, it had increased considerably in size and appeared to be going quite fast. When it was over him it was the size of a large saucer and at a great height.

Because this UFO was dark, and not a mysterious light, reflective, or silvery, many scientists believe he saw a solid object against the sky, with the light behind it.

The sighting was reported by the local newspaper Denison Daily News on January 25, 1878, with the title "A Strange Phenomenon." The article was a first-hand report from the farmer, and its full text is:

"From Mr. John Martin, a farmer who lives some six miles south of this city, we learn the following strange story: Tuesday morning while out hunting, his attention was directed to a dark object high up in the southern sky. The peculiar shape and velocity with which the object seemed to approach riveted his attention and he strained his eves to discover its character."

"When first noticed, it appeared to be about the size of an orange, which continued to grow in size. After gazing at it for some time Mr. Martin became blind from long looking and left off viewing it for a time in order to rest his eyes. On resuming his view, the object was almost overhead and had increased considerably in size, and appeared to be going through space at wonderful speed."

"When directly over him it was about the size of a large saucer and was evidently at great height. Mr. Martin thought it resembled, as well as he could judge, a balloon. It went as rapidly as it had come and was soon lost to sight in the heavenly skies. Mr. Martin is a gentleman of undoubted veracity and this strange occurrence, if it was not a balloon, deserves the attention of our scientists."

Of course, old reports somehow lack in accurate information, and no witness interview is possible to get the missing information or check the witness reliability. But these old reports exist, and even lacking of clear data, they sometimes cannot be easily interpreted in terms of commonplace phenomenon.

Who knows? Maybe some even older report can still surface, where a UFO is described as "saucer" - like in some aspect.

written by B J Booth


"A Strange Phenomenon", article in newspaper Denison Daily News, January 25, 1878.

"The flying saucers are real", book by Major Donald E. Keyhoe, ret., 1950.

Your source for information on UFOs and Aliens. Includes the early history of UFOs, classic UFO case studies, and current, breaking UFO sighting reports.
Summary: A valid account of the alien abduction of two teenage counselors comes to us from the state of Vermont. Four UFOs would appear in daylight over the ...
Called the "flagship case" of alien abduction. A husband and wife (Betty and Barney Hill) taking a short vacation see a bright object in the evening. They are ...
UFOs Alien Abduction Extraterrestrial Intelligence Science Research Aliens.
There are many different opinions being tossed around about this thing called alien contact. Although we see UFO and Alien influence everywhere these days,  ...
Every now and then, I am called on to answer some questions about UFO and aliens for radio shows, magazines, newspapers, and educational facilities. Here is ...
A selection of questions about the relationship between humans and aliens, and some speculation about where aliens might come from.
Are alien abductions real, or are they a product of a dream, sleep paralysis, or just an overactive imagination? Some of those who claim to have been abducted  ...
After the police were gone, the aliens returned, and the earlier battle was repeated. The gunfire had no effect on the creatures. All together, eleven people were ...
Introduction. Among the literally millions of UFO sightings, only a very small percentage will include a witness actually seeing an alien being. These types of ...

 UFO News and Case Articles
The files contained on this page are some of the best known cases of alien abduction. It is by no means complete. There remains a large number of reports still being researched, and many cases of abduction never reported. Alien abduction is an increasingly troublesome phenomenon which is in need of further research.


A number of the articles contained here were written by UFO Casebook webmaster and researcher B J Booth. All of these are free to download and use as you see fit in the furtherance of research. Other articles contain copyright credentials where noted. These files may also be used as long as the copyright reference is kept intact. This list will be expanded as new cases come to light, so check back for updates.

On October 26, 1958 at 10:30 PM, near the Loch Raven Dam, north of Baltimore, Maryland, two men were traveling in a car. As they approached a bridge, they saw what appeared to be a flattened out, egg-shaped object hovering approximately 100-150 feet from the top of the bridge.

Slowing their vehicle to get a better look, they approached to about 75 foot from the bridge. Suddenly, their car went completely dead. The two men stated that it was like they just cut the key off. Nothing electrical worked. The driver attempted to restart the engine, but to no avail.

The object and the malfunction of their vehicle frightened the men to the point that they hid behind their car. They were able to closely watch the UFO for 30-45 seconds. All at once, the object flashed a white light, causing the two witnesses to feel heat on their faces. The flash was accompanied by a loud sound, like thunder.

The UFO now began to slowly rise straight up. It was extremely bright as it did, causing the edge of the object to be fuzzy. Within 5-10 seconds the object was out of sight. The men were then able to restart their car, and rush to the nearest phone to report their sighting. The Ground Observor Corp was contacted first, but did not respond. The men then talked to the Towson Police Department, which sent two patrolmen to the scene.

The two men soon began to experience a burning sensation on their skin, and went to St. Joseph's Hospital in Baltimore for treatment. They were examined, and each man returned to his own home.

Follow-up investigation would reveal some more details of the incident. The bridge was double-arched, about 40 foot tall, and 500 feet long. The distance from the witnesses to the object was estimated at about 3/4 of a mile. Also, there was no unusual atmospheric conditions at the time, and the skies were clear.

Project Blue Book investigated the case, but found no absolute cause for the appearance of the object. The case remains unidentified, although the Air Force did state that the object constituted no security threat to the United States.

The two witnesses would subsequently be identified as Phillip Small and Alvin Cohen.


B J Booth

source and references:

Project Blue Book

On 24th May 1964, Jim Templeton, a fireman from Carlisle in the North of England, took his young daughter out to the marches overlooking the Solway Firth to take some photographs. Nothing untoward happened, although both he and his wife noticed an unusual aura in the atmosphere.


There was a kind of electric charge in the air, though no storm came. Even nearby cows seemed upset by it.

Some days later Mr Templeton got his photographs processed by the chemist, who said that it was a pity that the man who had walked past had spoilt the best shot of Elizabeth holding a bunch of flowers. Jim was puzzled. There had been nobody else on the marshes nearby at the time.

But sure enough, on the picture in question there was a figure in a silvery white space suit projecting at an odd angle into the air behind the girl's back, as if an unwanted snooper had wrecked the shot.

The case was reported to the police and taken up by Kodak, the film manufacturers, who offered free film for life to anyone who could solve the mystery when their experts failed.

It was not, as the police at first guessed, a simple double exposure with one negative accidentally printed on top of another during processing. It was, as Chief Superintendent Oldcorn quickly concluded, just "one of those things... a freak picture."

A few weeks later Jim Templeton received two mysterious visitors. He had never heard of MIBs: the subject was almost unknown in Britain then. But the two men who came to his house in a large Jaguar car wore dark suits and otherwise looked normal. The weird thing about them was their behavior.

They only referred to one another by numbers and asked the most unusual questions as they drove Jim out to the marshes. They wanted to know in minute detail about the weather on the day of the photograph, the activities of local bird life and odd asides like that.

Then they tried to make him admit that he had just photographed an ordinary man walking past. Jim responded politely, but nevertheless rejected their idea, at which they became irrationally angry and hustled themselves into the car, driving off and leaving him. The fire officer had to hike five miles across country to get home.


by Landon Howell

Owner & Editor -
Guy Tossie and Will Begay, two Indian youths, were driving south on Highway 26 just outside Ririe on November 2, 1967, when, about 9:30 p.m., there was a sudden blinding flash of light in front of their car, followed by the abrupt appearance of a small, domed UFO. The dome was transparent and in it were seen two small, strange-looking occupants.



The car was brought to a stop - Begay, driving, did not have to apply the brakes - and the object hovered about five feet above the highway immediately ahead of them. It was about eight feet wide, and flashed green and orange lights around the rim. The area was bathed in a vivid green light.

The dome opened as if hinged and one creature emerged, apparently floating to the ground. It was about three and a half feet tall, and on its back was a kind of pack that protruded above and behind its head. Its face was oval and heavily pitted and creased. Two small, round eyes and a straight, slit-like mouth completed the facial features. Large ears stood high on the hairless head.

Approaching the driver's side of the car, the alleged being opened the door and slid behind the wheel. Horrified, the two witnesses pushed over to the right. The car began to move - whether driven by the being or "towed" by the UFO was uncertain. It was taken well out into a field of stubble wheat, and the UFO kept a fixed position a few feet in front of it.

As the car stopped, Tossie, sitting next to the door, suddenly opened it and bolted, running for the nearby farmhouse of Willard Hammon about a quarter of a mile away. He later reported being followed by a bright light - presumably carried by the second occupant.

Meanwhile, in the car, Begay cowered in the front seat in a state of near-shock while the first creature jabbered unintelligibly at him, making sounds that were high and rapid, "like a bird." The second being, who had apparently given up chasing Tossie, returned to the car. The first then got out, and the two beings "rose up and into the UFO," which then ascended in a zigzag path.

Meanwhile, at the home of Willard Hammon, Tossie could scarcely make himself understood by the astounded farmer and his family. After having calmed the Indian down, they accompanied him back to the field, where they found the car. Begay was sitting nearly speechless with fright, his eyes tightly closed.

The engine was running and the lights were still on - about 15 minutes had elapsed from the moment the young men had seen the flash. Hammon listened to their story and then followed the frightened youths home in his car.

Perplexed, he later stopped in a local bar and grill to see if he could learn anything more. While there, a county deputy sheriff stopped in and Hammon told him the story.

Later, both witnesses also came by and voluntarily told the deputy sheriff, in their own words, what had happened. State Police were summoned and an investigation was begun. It was discovered that a number of local farmers had reported that their cattle had bolted during the evening for unknown reasons. Others claimed to have seen lights in the area.

The report was investigated for NICAP by C.R. Ricks, of Idaho Falls. During his investigation, he learned of a man who claimed that, on the same night, he had a similar encounter. Ricks eventually tracked this man down and confirmed the report, although the witness was emphatic about not revealing his name, and was reluctant about discussing the details of his encounter.

Whitley Strieber is one of the most well known UFO researchers in the area of alien abduction, and alien implants. His well known book, "Communion" is a UFO classic. It was also made into a movie by the same name.



In upper state New York over the 1985 Christmas holidays, Strieber was staying in his isolated cabin with his wife and son. At this time, Strieber was already a well know writer. He had become somewhat suspect of potential intruders, and had recently installed a high tech alarm system in the cabin.

At approximately 11:00 PM on the 26th of December, he activated the system, and the family retired for the night. After a couple of hours, he was awakened by an unusual sound. He felt that the security of his cabin had been breached. He was soon shocked to see a creature in his bedroom.

After this, the next thing he knew he was sitting in the woods which surrounded his cabin. His memories of what had occurred were fragmented. Eventually, to reestablish memories of that night, and understand what had really happened, he would undergo regressive hypnosis by Dr. Donald F. Klein.

The hypnotic regression would uncover many of the details of his experience. He recalled that he had been "floated" out of his bedroom and into a waiting UFO. He would see four different types of alien beings, one a small, robot type of being, secondly, a short, stocky type, the third was very slender and weak looking.

It had mesmerising black eyes that slanted, and the last being had black, button eyes.

He was subjected to medical testing by these aliens. One of these was the insertion of a needle into his brain, and another involved an object being inserted into his rectum. The beings took a blood sample from him by making an incision in his finger.

The recounting of the most bizarre facts, caused Dr. Klein to diagnose Strieber with "temporal lobe epilepsy."

This condition can cause one to have hallucinations. Strieber did not accept the diagnosis, and recounted his abduction as a real event. He would eventually establish a foundation as a support group for alien abductees.



source and references:

Whitley Streiber, "Communion"




Electrical UFO Monster July 1893

Long before government cover ups, hoaxes or even flying machines this article appeared in the Tacoma/Seattle Newspaper.
On July 3, 1893 several fishermen were awakened in the middle of the night by the presence of a strange craft that they described as an "electric monster." Their watches stopped and the craft/monster emitted electricity and light. Read the full newspaper article at the link below.
To read more about the Electrical UFO Monster of 1893.
UFOs Confront Soldiers During War, Says Ex-Air Force Intelligence Officer
2015-04-19, Huffington Post

The Vietnam War saw its share of UFO activity in the 1960s. One close encounter, in 1968, involved the crew of an American patrol boat that reported two glowing circular craft following them. The crew aboard a second patrol boat later reported seeing the UFOs over the first boat and a flash of light, followed by an explosion that completely destroyed the boat. These Vietnam reports included close observation of the unknown aerial craft. Wartime UFO stories are recreated in ... History's "Hangar 1: The UFO Files." The accounts are drawn from tens of thousands of UFO cases in the archives of the Mutual UFO Network, the world's largest UFO investigation group. Former Air Force intelligence officer, Capt. George Filer ... described a typical report that he'd receive: "You'd have an aircraft flying along, doing around 500 knots and a UFO comes alongside and does some barrel rolls around the aircraft and then flies off at three times the speed of one of the fastest jets we have in the Air Force. "I would be told this unofficially. People tell you a lot of things that they don't put in writing or sign their name to. There was always this part of UFOs that, if you got too interested, it could mess up your career. And this is true today even with commercial pilots. I've also heard from people serving in Afghanistan saying they've seen UFOs, and the Iranian news carries UFO reports pretty regularly."

UFO Files shed light on a bygone era in New England

2015-02-06, Boston Globe

James Louis Warsher and a friend were driving across the Anderson Memorial Bridge in Harvard Square when they noticed a dull gray elliptical vessel tinted with muted yellow light descending from the sky. It was around 8:30 p.m. on Sept. 9, 1964, and the two were among 11 Bostonians who reported UFO sightings that night. Air Force investigators said the object was just an advertising plane. They confirmed it by cross-checking the aircraft’s flight plan. But the Air Force’s official explanation ... couldn’t answer one issue: When Warsher and his friend saw the UFO, it was flying within sight of the same plane the investigators purported it to be. This story is one of more than 12,000 chronicled by Project Blue Book, the Air Force’s UFO investigation program that ran from 1947 to 1969. The once-classified files ... have become more accessible to the general public in recent years through Fold3, a commercial database of government and military documents. Readers can sort the files by date, state, and when they were added to the website. The collection reveals how the nation’s military bureaucracy painstakingly documented what amounted to a cultural phenomenon of the Cold War. Even though the Air Force deemed only a small portion of the reports unexplainable, UFO researcher Stanton Friedman believes Project Blue Book barely scratches the surface of American UFO investigations. Friedman claims “the Air Force has gotten away with carefully worded misrepresentation,” of its interest in the aircraft.

Mysterious plumes erupt from Mars

2015-02-16, USA Today

Astronomers have spotted huge cloudlike plumes erupting from Mars – a phenomenon that scientists are at a loss to explain. The bright flares, which have now died away, towered higher than anything else observed in the Martian atmosphere. Their tops reached some 150 miles in altitude, more than twice as high as the highest Martian clouds, and they sprawled across 300 to 600 miles, researchers report in this week's Nature, a science journal. The researchers initially were skeptical, but "we came to the conclusion that what we were seeing is actually real," says study co-author Antonio García Muńoz, a planetary scientist at the European Space Agency. The plumes are "exceptional. … It's difficult to come to terms with this." This scientific brainteaser first came to light in early 2012. "I don't think it's real. Basic physics says this can't occur," [Planetary scientist Todd Clancy of the Space Science Institute] says, adding that the conditions in Mars's upper atmosphere don't supply the necessary ingredients for clouds. In response, study co-author Agustin Sánchez-Lavega, a planetary scientist and physics professor at the University of the Basque Country in Spain, notes that 19 different observers captured the strange eruptions. He considers the source of the formations "open to discussion," he says via e-mail.

A UFO story lands in a hall of history
2015-02-23, Boston Globe

This is how the story goes: It’s 1966, and 6-year-old Thomas Reed is in his bedroom on his family’s horse farm in the Berkshires when the encounters begin. Suddenly, he’s in the woods near his home looking at a UFO. The following year, there is another incident. Two years later, the family is driving on Route 7 when they see strange lights in the sky. Thomas and his brother and mother and grandmother find themselves in a giant room. Next thing, he’s back near the car. Reed has told these stories many times, and it has not always gone well. But recently, his tale had found recognition in an unlikely place. The Great Barrington Historical Society & Museum has formally inducted the UFO story. "We believe it is true,” said Debbie Oppermann, the director of the society. “I know we’re going to get a lot of backlash. But ... based on the evidence we’ve been given, we believe this is a significant and true event.” The historical society believes it is the first time a “mainstream” historical society or museum in the United States has declared a UFO encounter to be historical fact. What most interests the historical society is the 1969 encounter, because dozens of people in the area reported seeing an unidentified flying object around that time. Many of those eyewitnesses called the local radio station, WSBS, which covered the sightings. The radio station has provided documentation to the historical society, which interviewed one of those eyewitnesses.

Air Force UFO files land on Internet
2015-01-20, CNN

Nearly 130,000 pages of declassified Air Force files on UFO investigations and sightings are now available in one place online. Declassified government records about UFOs have long existed on microfilm in the National Archives in Washington, DC. Many of them also live on websites devoted to the topic. But UFO enthusiast John Greenewald says his database, Project Blue Book Collection, is the first to compile every single declassified document from the Blue Book project -- headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio from 1947 to 1969 -- in one place for anyone to search or download for free. The collection consists of files from Project Blue Book, Project Sign and Project Grudge, the names given to official investigations into unidentified flying objects by the United States military. Greenewald's ... says he's just driven by curiosity. "I'm a history buff. I think this stuff should be accessible," he said. "It defied explanation," he said, "and 5,000 FOIAs later my curiosity hasn't gone away." The collection contains 10,000 PDFs, each representing a different case. The files include the details of some of the most famous UFO cases, including the Exeter incident, the Kenneth Arnold sighting and the Mantell crash. Still, Greenewald believes the contents are "just the tip of the iceberg." "It's all a puzzle," he said. "Just when you think you've got all the pieces to make a picture, you realize it's only a piece of a bigger puzzle."

Video emerges of 'Lockheed Martin scientist' claiming aliens are REAL and that he worked at Area 51 on UFO technology
2014-10-30, Daily Mail (One of the UK's leading newspapers)

A scientist who apparently worked in some capacity for Lockheed Martin has claimed aliens on Earth are real and have made contact with Earth in a video posted shortly before his death. Boyd Bushman apparently drew on his own personal experiences to reveal that extraterrestrials were in Area 51. And in a bizarre interview he also claims anti-gravity is one of several technologies being hidden by the government. The controversial video was apparently made shortly before Mr Bushman died on 7 August 2014. He had several patents attributed to him that were assigned to Lockheed Martin, and he was apparently also a senior scientist at the company - although that claim is disputed. These patents include a magnetic drive, an light beam to find objects, a thermally energised electrical power source and a heat radiation detection system. Was Bushman delusional or telling the truth? Certainly, Bushman believed in what he was saying. As long ago as 2008 he passed a polygraph test, during which he claimed he had worked on antigravity projects, alien technologies and had even met and photographed an alien, and examined at least eight different types of alien spacecraft. Bushman also revealed that he had received death threats and that security personnel had attempted to discredit him and tried to keep him from talking to the public.

Do Aliens Exist? Yes, And Some 'Look Just Like Us,’ Says Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defense Minister
2014-01-07, International Business Times

Lots of people believe in extraterrestrial life forms, but not many can give specific details about what they look like and where they're living. But that's just what Paul Hellyer, the now-90-year-old former defense minister of Canada, did in his recent interview with Russia Today, claiming there are 80 different species of alien life, from places like Andromeda, Pleiades and Zeta Reticuli, and some look just like us. “There are about 80 different species and some of them look just like us and they could walk down the street and you wouldn’t know if you walked past one," said Hellyer. "They are what we call 'Nordic Blondes' and also the Tall Whites who were actually working with the U.S. air force in Nevada. They’re able to get away with that; they had a couple of their ladies dressed as nuns go into Las Vegas to shop and they weren’t detected. ... Then there’s the Short Greys as they are called, and they are the ones you see in most of the cartoons, they have very slim arms and legs, they are very short, just a little over 5 feet, and they have a great big head and great big brown eyes. But there are different species and you have to know ... that they all are different. If you saw the Short Greys, you’d certainly know there’s something up that you’ve never seen before, but if you saw one of the Nordic Blondes, you’d probably say, “I wonder if she’s from Denmark or somewhere.” But fear not: Hellyer said most of the aliens who have “been visiting our planet for thousands of years” are “benign and benevolent, and they do want to help us.”

The summer of 1971, I was working the night shift for Conoco Oil Co. at an open pit uranium mine west of Karnes City Tx.



I was one of 6 people operating Caterpillar 657B earth movers. We were down to about 210 feet deep when this incident happened. It was about 11:10 PM , just after shift change we were getting ready to crank our machines, when the 85 acre pit lit up as if it was daylight.

The light was so bright that I had to squint because it hurt my eyes. I remember hearing a high pitched hissing noise and the hair on my arms stood on end. I was so scared, I fell to the ground and started praying.

I remember trying to look up, but the light was so bright I couldn't. After about 2 minutes, the light started getting dimmer and I could finally look up at it. What I saw amazed me. The object was round and the bright light was coming from the center of the bottom of the UFO.

Around the perimeter of the craft was hundreds of penlight size light beams that alternated in all colors of the spectrum. Now I know they were laser beams. The UFO was rising up slowly at first and then went straight up out of sight in about 10 seconds.

I was crying and shaking and so was everyone else. The other shift workers thought we were crazy when we told them what had happened. But we got the last laugh. This is how we proved it actually happened.

There is a vein of uranium ore that runs from George West Texas to almost Texarkana Texas. When determining where to place a mine, the following steps are accomplished:

(1) A geologist with a geiger counter flies over the area and finds the highest radiation reading.

(2) Drilling trucks are sent out and core samples are drilled to determine the highest concentration of uranium ore. These core samples are drilled in a grid pattern and every core sample is given a tracking number and logged in showing the concentration and amount of uranium present.

(3) The open pit mine is then laid out according to these core samples.

When this UFO incident happened, we were about 2 feet away from a layer of hard rock called the "tap rock" that laid directly on top of the uranium ore. The uranium ore varied in depth from 6 to 18 inches and had about the same brown color as low grade coal.

Two days after this incident, the tap rock was removed to expose the uranium ore. We were astounded to find that the uranium ore was now a chalky white substance that had NO radioactivity at all! There was a 250 foot diameter circle of this chalky material in the center of the pit.

Outside of the circle, the uranium ore was still as potent as before the incident. Core samples don't lie. This chalky material was uranium before this incident.

Many a night I have laid in my bed thinking about what happened. I think the UFO needed the uranium for some reason.

Marcus Harvey, Sam Rayburn Lake, TX

From Michael Harvey


UFO Over New York's Schoharie County - 1790

About 9 p.m., a bright shining light appeared in the northern sky with a great roar. The witness indicated that it grew in intensity until it would have out-shown the noonday sun. The resident remarked that the light was so bright that he could have “… picked up pins in every corner.” As the object moved over the countryside, it met with a rise of tall trees and as it did, it rose above them and continued on with the speed of galloping horse. To read more about this historic UFO Sighting in NY State 0f 1790.


Object Seen Above Tennessee College Campus - 1853 

On June 1, 1853 a luminous object was seen by many as it hovered over a Tennessee college campus. As the sun rose over the campus of Burritt College, numerous students—who apparently were early risers in those days, too—were startled to see two luminous objects in the sky. According to professor A.C. Carnes, who reported the incident in a letter to Scientific American, the first had the appearance of a small new moon, while the other resembled a large star. The small object then vanished, while the bigger one changed shape, first into a globe and then into an elongated shape parallel with the horizon. The smaller light then became visible again, and increased rapidly in size, while the other object shrank. The two objects continued fluctuating in a similar fashion for the next 30 minutes. “The students have asked for an explanation, but neither the President nor Professors are satisfied as to the character of the lights,” wrote Carnes. While he himself speculated that the occurrence might have been caused somehow by atmospheric moisture, the incident remains a mystery.



Aurora, Texas UFO Crash of 1897

To read more about the
Aurora Texas UFO crash
The Aurora UFO Incident that reportedly occurred on April 17, 1897 in Aurora, Texas, a small town in the northwest corner of the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex. The incident (similar to the more famous Roswell UFO Incident 50 years later) reportedly resulted in a fatality from the crash. The alleged alien body is was buried in an unmarked grave at the local cemetery.

   Possibly an allusion to Ireland's leprechauns could account for the derisive term of "little green men," in referring to aliens. Whatever the source, the question arises, "Has anyone actually seen a little green man?"

Well, some people believe so! Of the many cases of alien encounters, one of the most bizarre is the Kelly-Hopkinsville account of a terrifying night of "little green men."

This most unusual event originated on the night of August 21, 1955. Located in the rural area of Christian County, Kentucky, this UFO enigma took place in the little town of Kelly, located near the small city of Hopkinsville. The family Sutton would be the target of this "one of a kind" journey into the unknown.

The lifestyle of a typical Kentucky rural family has been kept intact for many decades, and the Sutton family fit this tradition to a tee. "Lucky" Sutton, as he was known to friends and neighbors, was the "patriarch" of this bluegrass clan.

Visiting Lucky and his family was a man from Pennsylvania named Billy Ray Taylor. Billy left the Sutton house to go for some water from the family well.

There was no inside plumbing at the Sutton farm house.

At the well, he saw an immense, shining object land in a small gully about a quarter of a mile away. Running back to the house, he excitedly reported his sighting to others in the house. Billy was laughed at; no one believed his "crazy" tale.

After a short period of time, the family dog began to raise a ruckus outside. As was the custom in those parts, Lucky and Billy grabbed their guns and headed outside, planning to shoot first, and ask questions later.

Only a short distance from the front door, both men were stopped dead in their tracks by the sight of a 3-4 foot tall creature, who was walking towards them with hands up, as if to surrender.

This most bizarre creature would be described as having "large eyes, a long thin mouth, large ears, thin short legs, and hands ending in claws."

Frightened by the small greenish entity, Billy Ray fired a shot with his .22, and Lucky unloaded with his shotgun.

Both men later admitted that there was no way they missed the creature at close range, but the little being just did a back flip, and ran into the woods in fright.

No sooner had the two men reentered the house before the creature, or another like it, appeared at a window. They took a shot at him, leaving a blast hole through the screen. They ran back outside to see if the creature was dead, but found no trace of it. Standing at the front of the house, the men were terrified by a clawed hand reaching down from the roof in an attempt to touch them.

Again, they shot, but the being simply floated to the ground, and scurried into the cover of the woods.

The two men sought the protection of the house again, only to find themselves under siege from these little men. For a time, the entities seemed to tease the family, appearing from one window to another.

Taking pot shots through the windows and walls, their weapons seemed totally ineffective against the invading creatures.

After several hours of fear, the Sutton family decided to make a break from the house, and get help at the Police station at Hopkinsville.

Family members took two vehicles to the Police Station in Hopkinsville, and reported their strange tale to Sheriff Russell Greenwell. Finally persuading the policemen that they were not joking, the authorities agreed to visit the Sutton house.

Arriving at the farm, police found no trace of the creatures, but did find numerous bullet and rifle holes in the windows and walls.

Greenwell was in charge of the twenty plus officers at the scene, and reported that the Suttons seemed sober, and were genuinely frightened by something.

After a canvas of the neighbors, reports were entered of the "hearing of shots being fired," and the observation of "lights in the sky."

Exhausting all efforts to find the origin of this strange report, the police left the Sutton place at about 2:15 am. As soon as they did, the creatures made their return. They began again peeking in the windows, seemingly out of curiosity. More gunfire took place, but again without effect.

Several more hours of antics followed, finally stopping just before daybreak. The police were finally persuaded to call in Air Force personnel the next morning, but a new search brought no results. After the beings had left, Billy Ray and Lucky had gone into Evansville, Indiana to take care of some business. The other five family members were questioned by Air Force and Police.

On 8/22/55, the Kentucky "New Era" newspaper carried the story of the events. Naturally, initial public opinion was that the whole story was a hoax. If this was the case, several questions must be answered. Why would the Sutton family make up such an incredible claim? They made no money from the story, and did not seek any publicity. Why would they shoot holes in the walls of their home, causing a financial drain on the family to repair the damages?

Including Billy Ray and Lucky, seven adults were witnesses to these events. All of them, when questioned separately, gave the same story. Also sketches were made of the beings, and they depicted the creatures in a like manner. A year after the events, the case was thoroughly investigated by Isabel Davis, who related that the witnesses' stories had not changed.

As the years rolled by, the accounts of the Sutton family stood firm. No evidence of a hoax has ever been brought forward.

The case was also looked into by Bud Ledwith, who was an engineer at a Hopkinsville radio station. Noted investigator, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, also accepted the accounts of the Suttons. Hynek discussed the details of the case with Davis and Ledwith. Although the Kelly-Hopkinsville case is an extremely unusual one, it is considered today to be authentic by many UFO investigators.


A planet , meaning "wandering star", is a celestial body orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and has cleared its neighbouring region of planetesimals.
V (also known as V: The Series) is a one-hour weekly television series that aired in the United States on NBC in 1984-85. It is a continuation of the science fiction franchise about an alien invasion of Earth by a carnivorous race of reptilians known as "The Visitors"

Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the first humans, Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, on the Moon on July 20, 1969, at 20:18 UTC. Armstrong became the first to step onto the lunar surface 6 hours later on July 21 at 02:56 UTC.
A Mars landing is a landing of a spacecraft on the surface of Mars. Of multiple attempted Mars landings by robotic, unmanned spacecraft, seven were successful.There have also been studies for a possible manned mission to Mars, including a landing, but none have been attempted


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If the only strange things seen in the sky were a few oddly moving lights at night, or some specks glinting in the sun, there would be no UFO issue. But there have been many close range observations of these strange objects. Often by multiple witnesses and sometimes with radar confirmation.

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